jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

One year of Month Calendar Widget

Today is Month Calendar Widget's birthday.

One year ago I uploaded the first version to the Android Market (now Google Play). I was somewhat fearful about a possible bad reception between users, so I made the widget available only in my home country, Argentina. One and a half  month after, I realized that we are living in a really small world and if you're not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've lunched too late. So I made the "brave" step of releasing the app worldwide.

If somebody told me then that one year after Month Calendar Widget will be approaching 200,000 downloads, I probably would thought it was a joke. But no, it's real.

Today I'm working in the next version, to be released soon, hoping this and future versions will delight still more Android users. Stay tuned!

7 comentarios:

  1. Excelente aplicación... me encanta tal y como esta, sin complicaciones ni vinculaciones, simple y sencillo... pero... solo falta una cosa, un tamaño más, 5 x 5... para tablets y tabletofonos

    Gracias y saludos

  2. Hola JugadorCompulsivo, disculpas por esta respuesta tardía.
    En principio los tamaños oficiales de widgets en Android llegan hasta 4x4, en tablets se pueden tener en algunos casos más grandes, y supe que en la última versión, Jelly Bean, pueden redimensionarse. Lo investigaré.

    Saludos y gracias por descargar el widget

  3. Hello, thank you for working on Month Calendar Widget. It's outstanding!!

    Now, there is a good chance to get Month Calendar Widget in the f-droid FOSS market, see here:

    However, we need the license text. Please include it in your repo and give us notice.

    Tobias Kuban

    P.S.: It is also possible to include a donation button there, see:

    1. Hi Tobias, sorry for this very late response. I haven't decided yet what to do with the app, including licensing. I will make a decision soon

    2. I need to clarify a bit: "I haven't decided yet what to do with the app" means it deserves much more attention and I'm looking for a way to do it.

  4. Hi, congratulations on your calendar, it's by far the best looking out there! A couple things would propel it from great to brilliant though, a little customization with a setting for the font and background color and one for the transparency? That would integrate it perfectly to all sorts of themes. Another thing, maybe a double tap could launch the agenda application? And a swipe gesture change the month displayed? That would be perfect.
    Thank you very much for all your work!

    1. Thanks awk for your kind words and sorry for this late response. More customization is planned for future versions. Launching calendar perhaps could be introduced in a pro version. Swipe gestures AFAIK are not possible in home screen widgets. I think a vertical swipe for certain kind of widgets was introduced in recent Android versions. I will investigate
