jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

Month Calendar Widget 1.2.0 is out

Finally! I've just uploaded Month Calendar Widget version 1.2.0 to Google Play. I'm very sorry for slipping the promised release date, but I had to work harder than I planned to preserve the quality of the app.

This version includes three new features (1):
  • A 4x3 widget size, in addition to the initial 3x2 size
  • The ability to choose the first day of week, Sunday or Monday
  • A Settings screen where besides selecting the first day, you can email me, make a donation if you think the app is useful (why not?), and visit this blog
I have also verified the claim of some ICS users, that the app does not appear in  the list of available widgets. The problem apparently occurs since Honeycomb, after some important changes Google made which affect the way appwidgets work in Android. For Honeycomb and ICS users, the workaround for now is to install the app, reboot the device and only then try to add the widget to the homescreen.

In a future version I will solve this issue, alongside other nice features I'm planning to add.

Many, many thanks to the 160,000+ users that downloaded Month Calendar Widget.


(1) The first two were the most requested features since the beginning. There's another one, that many people asked me to add: connecting with the stock Android Calendar. Well, I haven't made a final decision yet about this!

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